GECF secretary general offers condolences on tragic loss of Raisi

May 21, 2024 - 13:30

TEHRAN - Following the incident of a chopper crash on May 19, that led to the tragic loss of Iranian president, Ayatollah Ibrahim Raisi and his companions; General Secretary of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), Mohamad Hamel, sent a message to the Iranian Minister of Petroleum, Javad Oji, expressing heartfelt condolences on the sad incident.

The chopper carrying the Iranian president and his companions, including the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossain Amirabdollahian, crashed on Sunday while returning from a mission in which the Iranian president and his counterpart from Azerbaijan Republic, Elham Aliyev, inaugurated a dam on Aras River along the common border of the two neighboring countries.

As part of his message, Mohamad Hamel, said: President Raisi was a leader of great vision and dedication, and his untimely passing is a profound loss not only for Iran but for the Middle East and the international community. His passionate defense of the oppressed people of Gaza will always be remembered and appreciated for years to come.

The full text of the GECF’s Secretary General is as follows:

Your Excellency,

It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart that, on behalf of the GECF, I extend my sincerest condolences to you and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the tragic loss of President Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and all the passengers who perished in the helicopter crash on 19 May 2024.

President Raisi was a leader of great vision and dedication, and his untimely passing is a profound loss not only for Iran but for the Middle East and the international community. His passionate defense of the oppressed people of Gaza will always be remembered and appreciated for years to come.

In this time of immense grief, I wish to convey my deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased. May they find the strength and courage to endure this difficult period. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and with the entire nation of Iran.

May the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.

With heartfelt condolences,

Eng. Mohamed Hamel

Secretary General


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